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04/06/2017 06:00 PM
04/06/2017 08:00 PM
Learning from Nature: Using Biomimicry to Face Water Challenges
What can we learn from nature to help us solve our water quality issues on Ohio’s north coast? Learn from Great Lakes Biomimicry and The University of Akron PhD Biomimicry Fellows to explore how biomimicry can inform resilience, monitoring, policy, technologies, and design. Participants will apply their newfound knowledge of biomimicry to tackle a fun and engaging mini design challenge.
Registration encouraged through link below.
*This is a public learning opportunity with the Cleveland Metroparks Watershed Voluneer Program. #NEOWaterSteward
Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek
Megan Smith
[email protected]
04/06/2017 06:00 PM
What can we learn from nature to help us solve our water quality issues on Ohio’s north coast? Learn from Great Lakes Biomimicry and The University of Akron PhD Biomimicry Fellows to explore how biomimicry can inform resilience, monitoring, policy, technologies, and design. Participants will apply their newfound knowledge of biomimicry to tackle a fun and engaging mini design challenge.
Registration encouraged through link below.
*This is a public learning opportunity with the Cleveland Metroparks Watershed Voluneer Program. #NEOWaterSteward
April 06, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Watershed Volunteer Program
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