City of Cleveland Urban Forestry Commission (UFC)
The Commission formerly known as the “Tree Commission” was established in the early 1990’s and went dormant in the early 2000’s. New legislation was introduced in 2021 by Cleveland City Council members to amend and revive the Tree Commission in the Codified Ordinances (Chapter 163, Sections 163.01 to 163.04).
Now known as the Urban Forestry Commission (UFC), its purpose is to advise the Mayor and City Council on policies and regulations that will increase our tree canopy and vibrancy of our neighborhoods. Under this scope, the UFC will provide advice and strategic planning on how the City can implement best practices to maintain and grow Cleveland’s tree canopy. The work of the UFC plays an integral part in improving citywide tree canopy revitalization plans. Their duties include, assisting with the adoption of an urban forest management plan, developing and updating a comprehensive inventory of trees, providing recommendations on policy and plans, monitoring the implementation of City plans, soliciting grants or funding contributions, and much more.
Upcoming Meetings:
Policy Committee Special Meeting | October 16, 2024 @ 3:30pm - 4:15pm
The Urban Forestry Commission will hold quarterly public meetings. Meetings will be live-streamed on Sustainable Cleveland's YouTube page and broadcast to the TV20 Channel. Advance notice will be given of any changes.
City of Cleveland Urban Forestry Commission - Winter 2025 Public Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 2024 @ 4-5:30PM | AGENDA
Join In-Person
Cleveland City Hall, 5th Floor, Room 514
601 Lakeside Ave. E.
Cleveland, OH 44114
Watch: This meeting will be live-streamed and broadcast.
*Minutes from the October 8, 2024 meeting will be posted after approval on January 14, 2024, recording is available now.
The commission will allow time for public comments at the bottom of the agenda. To submit public comments, you may do so by completing the online form or attending the in-person meeting. Read public comments that have been submitted online can be viewed here. Public comments must adhere to the below parameters:
- Online comments must be submitted by noon prior to the meeting
- Sign in for in-person public comments must be completed at least five (5) minutes prior to the meeting
- The comment must be relevant to the agenda (posted in advance)
- Each person has a three (3) minute time period for comments
- The Chairperson continues to have the discretion to allow comments
The UFC consists of fifteen (15) members; eight (8) of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor and seven (7) of whom shall be appointed by City Council:
The UFC is currently seeking appointees for Developer and Non-Profit fullfillments. More information will be provided on how to apply, for questions email Urban Forestry Manager, Jennifer Kipp at [email protected] or call (216) 664-2388.
Click Here to View: Meeting Documents & Recordings
Includes final agendas, presentation slide decks, and meeting notes.
Other Resources:
- Approved Rules & Regulations of the Urban Forestry Commission
- Cleveland Tree Plan 2020 Progress Report
- The Cleveland Tree Plan
- City of Cleveland Press Release
*updated 10/11/2024