Add to Calendar   04/21/2022 09:30 AM 04/21/2022 06:30 PM America/New_York Second Annual Moving Ohio Forward: Statewide Sustainable Transportation Conference


Moving Ohio Forward is back. This year we'll be convening leaders from around the Buckeye State to talk about the pressing issues in 2022: Opportunities presented by the new federal Infrastructure Bill, the possibility of 3C Rail connecting Ohio's major cities at last, building accessible places and what the most innovative suburbs and small towns are doing to advance safety, equity and sustainability



Virtual / Online 04/21/2022 09:30 AM

Second Annual Moving Ohio Forward: Statewide Sustainable Transportation Conference


Moving Ohio Forward is back. This year we'll be convening leaders from around the Buckeye State to talk about the pressing issues in 2022: Opportunities presented by the new federal Infrastructure Bill, the possibility of 3C Rail connecting Ohio's major cities at last, building accessible places and what the most innovative suburbs and small towns are doing to advance safety, equity and sustainability



April 21, 2022 at 9:30am - 6:30pm
Virtual / Online

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  • Brittany Montgomery