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04/04/2017 07:00 PM
04/04/2017 09:00 PM
Native Plants
Learn how to choose, buy, and care for these important plants.
Native plants have played a role in local habitats for centuries, providing nourishment and cover for wildlife. Today, as natural areas decline, natives in suburban landscapes are an important addition for pollinators and other animals. By incorporating native plants into your yard, your landscape can be beautiful, provide food for trees, butterflies and birds, and help reduce storm water runoff.
Click here for more information.
Cleveland Metroparks Acacia Reservation
Erika Meschkat
04/04/2017 07:00 PM
Learn how to choose, buy, and care for these important plants.
Native plants have played a role in local habitats for centuries, providing nourishment and cover for wildlife. Today, as natural areas decline, natives in suburban landscapes are an important addition for pollinators and other animals. By incorporating native plants into your yard, your landscape can be beautiful, provide food for trees, butterflies and birds, and help reduce storm water runoff.
Click here for more information.
April 04, 2017 at 7:00pm - 9pm
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