Add to Calendar   06/28/2019 08:30 AM 06/28/2019 12:00 PM America/New_York Green Infrastructure Grant Program Workshop


The workshop will provide an overview of our Green Infrastructure Grant program and offer experts and resources to help you understand your opportunities and expectations.

Topics will include grant eligibility, contracts, project evaluation and criteria, reimbursement, and sample successful projects. We will also offer a tour of the stormwater control measures featured on-site at the Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek.



Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek Parma 06/28/2019 08:30 AM

Green Infrastructure Grant Program Workshop


The workshop will provide an overview of our Green Infrastructure Grant program and offer experts and resources to help you understand your opportunities and expectations.

Topics will include grant eligibility, contracts, project evaluation and criteria, reimbursement, and sample successful projects. We will also offer a tour of the stormwater control measures featured on-site at the Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek.



June 28, 2019 at 8:30am - 12pm
Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek
2277 W Ridgewood Dr
Parma, OH 44134
United States
Google map and directions

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