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04/30/2022 10:00 AM
04/30/2022 01:00 PM
Great Lakes CleanUp: Huntington Beach
This event is part of the Great Lakes CleanUP, a multi-week long trash removal effort created in partnership with 15 other groups and organizations from around the Great Lakes basin. Cleanup sites will be available throughout the Great Lakes region for volunteers to work collectively with folks around the basin to stop thousands of pounds of litter from polluting our waterways. The Great Lakes is a drinking water resources for over 40 million people and we are excited to be a partner in this region-wide stewardship event.
As part of the Great Lakes CleanUP we will expand on our 2021 Litterati digital data collection efforts by trying out the Clean Swell App. This app will directly connect the information we collect locally to the Ocean Conservancy's largest marin debris databas in the world, TIDES. This allows our data to be instantly accessible and helps to support our work to address the root causes of litter pollution here locally and globally.
Cleveland Metroparks Huntington Reservation
Brittany Montgomery
04/30/2022 10:00 AM
This event is part of the Great Lakes CleanUP, a multi-week long trash removal effort created in partnership with 15 other groups and organizations from around the Great Lakes basin. Cleanup sites will be available throughout the Great Lakes region for volunteers to work collectively with folks around the basin to stop thousands of pounds of litter from polluting our waterways. The Great Lakes is a drinking water resources for over 40 million people and we are excited to be a partner in this region-wide stewardship event.
As part of the Great Lakes CleanUP we will expand on our 2021 Litterati digital data collection efforts by trying out the Clean Swell App. This app will directly connect the information we collect locally to the Ocean Conservancy's largest marin debris databas in the world, TIDES. This allows our data to be instantly accessible and helps to support our work to address the root causes of litter pollution here locally and globally.
April 30, 2022 at 10:00am - 1pm
Cleveland Metroparks Huntington Reservation
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