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04/27/2022 07:00 PM
04/27/2022 08:30 PM
Crowdsourced Conversations #1: Sustainability
This year, FutureHeights and Friends are bringing you a conversation-based forum series that brings Heights residents together to talk about topics that matter to us all.
We are excited to welcome all of our Heights friends and neighbors to our first Crowdsourced Conversations forum on Wednesday, April 27th from 7pm-8:30pm at Coventry PEACE (2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights). The evening's topic will be sustainability -- and we will be relying on the crowdsourced responses from the Cleveland Heights Green Team's environmental issues survey to craft small group discussion questions.
Coventry PEACE Park
Cleveland Heights
Brittany Montgomery
04/27/2022 07:00 PM
This year, FutureHeights and Friends are bringing you a conversation-based forum series that brings Heights residents together to talk about topics that matter to us all.
We are excited to welcome all of our Heights friends and neighbors to our first Crowdsourced Conversations forum on Wednesday, April 27th from 7pm-8:30pm at Coventry PEACE (2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights). The evening's topic will be sustainability -- and we will be relying on the crowdsourced responses from the Cleveland Heights Green Team's environmental issues survey to craft small group discussion questions.
April 27, 2022 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
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