When the U.S. pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2017, it became clear that leadership from local government, businesses, and civic institutions needed more than ever to reaffirm our commitment to climate action. The City of Cleveland, along with 400 other "Climate Mayors" across the country formed a bipartisan network of climate leadership through meaningful actions in their communities. Representing 48 states and 74 million Americans, the Climate Mayors coalition reflects U.S. cities’ commitment to climate action and mitigation. (see video).

Today, this coalition is chaired by Cleveland's Mayor Justin M. Bibb, who is committed to engaging and collaborating with municipal leaders as they tackle climate change at the local level. Since the launch of the Sustainable Cleveland initiative, the City has seen progress towards its sustainability goals, such as: 

  • Carbon pollution has been reduced and water and air quality have improved while the economy has grown. 
  • Over 70 miles of bike infrastructure have been installed and a bike share program started.
  • Dozens of organizations have worked to implement the Cleveland Tree Plan.
  • Launch of the Low-to-Moderate Income Solar Program
  • Composting program at the West Side Market and residential composting pilot


Cleveland Climate Action Plan

The community-focused Cleveland Climate Action Plan (CAP) is the framework and guiding implementation plan of sustainability and climate action throughout the broader Cleveland community. The CAP includes five focus areas and several cross-cutting priorities that identify objectives, goals, and specific actions needed to build a thriving and resilient city. 

View: 2018 Climate Action Plan (CAP)

Cleveland can cement its place among world leaders on climate change through climate action. We are working to update the CAP and will complete this at the end of 2024. The Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) is complete and will be released by the end of April 2024. Throughout spring 2024, the City will be coordinating with stakeholders and the general public to identify priority actions for the CAP update.

Throughout the CAP updating process, we look forward to connecting with the community to hear the priorities of Cleveland residents and how climate change impacts our communities. The City is working with a consultant to implement a comprehensive public engagement strategy that will connect us to neighborhoods across Cleveland. Our engagement sessions will take place throughout the spring and summer of 2024.

The updated CAP has five, newly established focus groups that have specifically outlined the main scopes, goals, and action types for working towards sustainable and equitable change in Cleveland. Learn more about them here: CAP Focus Group Areas.


Check back in late Summer 2024 for more updates on our engagement sessions!


City of Cleveland's Municipal Action Plan 

Cleveland's Municipal Action Plan (MAP) focuses specifically on municipal operations for the city. The purpose of the MAP is to accelerate progress in a more coordinated manner throughout city divisions and departments by helping to identify opportunities that advance sustainability through its operations.


The Mayor's Office of Sustainability is currently working to update the MAP by the end of 2024. In partnership with other departments, the Office of Sustainability will work to identify and implement new targets and actions to advance climate action throughout city operations.

View: 2013 Municipal Action Plan (MAP)

The City of Cleveland is compliant with the Global Covenant of Mayors

The City of Cleveland has been recognized for its commitment to advancing climate action in three key areas: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, identifying and adapting to the risks associated with climate change, and increasing access to clean and affordable energy.

Cleveland’s commitment to the Global Covenant of Mayors connects us with the broadest global alliance committed to city climate leadership, building on the pledges of over 10,500 cities and local governments from six continents representing more than 900 million citizens worldwide.



Additional Resources & Materials:


For more information about our climate action plans, you may contact our office via email at [email protected]



*Updated 07/22/2024