Bike There Day


This week and especially today, September 22nd, we encourage everyone to BIKE THERE - wherever there may be, in support of the League of American Bicyclists' campaign to get more people on a bike. This year there's a huge focus on health - and what better way to benefit our well-being than to ride a bike outdoors with the fresh air in our faces. What originally started out as (and still technically is) a bike to work week and day has been expanded to "bike there", which encourages people to bike to places you'd typically drive your car to: work, run errands, grab lunch, or just for fun with friends and family. If you've been hoping to ride your bike more but just haven't made the push, use this week to start!


To advocate in support of Bike There, we wanted to share our team member Libby's bike to work routine. This is a good overview to anyone who's been wanting to try biking to work but just didn't know where to start and what to pack. Below is a list of all the gear that she rides with when she bikes to work:  


  • U-lock: More secure than a cable lock, and necessary for when she inevitably stops for ice-cream on her way home from work.
  • Bike Cleveland water bottle: stay hydrated AND support your local bike advocacy group!
  • Lunch box: Make sure you pack enough for that late morning ​snack - necessary when you work up an appetite biking to work.
  • Pannier: Load up your stuff onto the back of your bike! It's more convenient and makes grocery shopping on your bike a breeze.
  • Waterproof backpack for notebooks: Fits inside the pannier while biking. Libby uses this one made out of old bike tubes. 
  • Head lights and tail lights: Always check the battery before you head out!
  • Change of clothes: Lycra bike shorts aren't very business casual.
  • Helmet: Don't leave home without it.
  • Spare tube and travel pump: Seems she only gets flat tires when she don't have these with her.
  • Toiletry bag: Do your coworkers a favor and pack deodorant (more upcycled tubes for this pouch!)


Do you bike to work or take solo or family rides? Share your fun biking stories and photos with us on our social media channels using #BikeThere. If you're looking for some cool ideas of places to bike to, check out Bike Cleveland's post. They're a great resource in general for bike-related resources in Cleveland!

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  • Elza Ter-Arutyunov
  • Elza Ter-Arutyunov