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Cleveland Tree Coalition: A collaborative group of public, private, and community stakeholders that have partnered with the City of Cleveland to rebuild our urban forest. The Cleveland Tree Coalition is striving to create a healthy, vibrant, sustainable, and equitable urban forest by working collaboratively to implement the Cleveland Tree Plan.
Tree Steward Training: Western Reserve Land Conservancy and Holden Forests and Garden's Tree Steward Training teaches Clevelanders the basics of tree care.
Cleveland Tree Plan: Launched in 2015 and adopted by the Cleveland Planning Commission in 2016, the Cleveland Tree Plan is a community-wide collaboration to rebuild the urban forest so that Northeast Ohio residents can experience the benefits of reforesting our city, generating greater resiliency, health, prosperity and overall quality of life.
Resilient Cleveland: The Cleveland Climate Resilience and Urban Opportunity Initiative includes a detailed assessment of the current and anticipated effects of climate change in the Midwest and identifies projects, programs, policies, engagement strategies, and future research to lessen overall energy demand, anticipate and prepare for climate changes and shocks, and foster social cohesion.
LEAP: Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership's mission is to identify, protect and restore biodiversity of the habitats in the LEAP ecoregion and to increase public awareness of biodiversity through the support of member organizations, including government agencies, universities, research centers and conservation organizations. Learn about the many benefits of native plants and where to find them on the LEAP Native Plants page.
Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative: Learn about the importance of pollinators and the habitat they need to survive in Ohio.
For an update from the Year of Vibrant Green Space Celebration Committee see here for the minutes from the last meeting and here for the slides to accompany the minutes.