Add to Calendar   12/06/2019 08:30 AM 12/06/2019 12:00 PM America/New_York When They See Us : Part 2


Part 2 of the CLE Kickoff series inspired by WHEN THEY SEE US, the Netflix series about the wrongfully convicted Central Park 5, now known as the Exonerated 5, will feature a distinguished faculty that represents both sides of the courtroom. How wrongful convictions happen will be examined. Attorneys from the Cuyahoga County Conviction Integrity Unit will review the "how to’s" of conviction integrity. We will conclude with a panel discussion.



The Delta Center Cleveland 12/06/2019 08:30 AM

When They See Us : Part 2


Part 2 of the CLE Kickoff series inspired by WHEN THEY SEE US, the Netflix series about the wrongfully convicted Central Park 5, now known as the Exonerated 5, will feature a distinguished faculty that represents both sides of the courtroom. How wrongful convictions happen will be examined. Attorneys from the Cuyahoga County Conviction Integrity Unit will review the "how to’s" of conviction integrity. We will conclude with a panel discussion.



December 06, 2019 at 8:30am - 12pm
The Delta Center
11955 Shaker Blvd
Cleveland, OH 44120
United States
Google map and directions

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