Add to Calendar   03/31/2023 08:30 AM 03/31/2023 11:30 AM America/New_York Ohio Real Title Vibrant Places Hike: Waterfowl at Grand Valley Ranch

Some say the American Robin is the harbinger of spring, but the swans, ducks, geese, and shorebirds might disagree. The Land Conservancy has partnered with the Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland to host a morning of birding just as waterfowl are making their strongest push north through Ohio and shorebirds are beginning to pass our way. If conditions are right, we could see up to 29 species of waterfowl, including three swans.

The Land Conservancy’s Grand Valley Ranch protects 1,200 acres of ideal habitat for waterfowl and various waterbirds. Permanently conserved in 2015, the Land Conservancy has restored the site from historical high impact uses (agriculture, mining, aquaculture, etc) to a natural, 3-mile long, flow-through wetland complex. Utilizing funds from Clean Ohio, USFWS, and the Ohio EPA, $3.5M was invested in the property to restore this ancient Tamarack Swamp!

Advanced registration is required.

Grand Valley Ranch in Orwell, OH 03/31/2023 08:30 AM

Ohio Real Title Vibrant Places Hike: Waterfowl at Grand Valley Ranch

Some say the American Robin is the harbinger of spring, but the swans, ducks, geese, and shorebirds might disagree. The Land Conservancy has partnered with the Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland to host a morning of birding just as waterfowl are making their strongest push north through Ohio and shorebirds are beginning to pass our way. If conditions are right, we could see up to 29 species of waterfowl, including three swans.

The Land Conservancy’s Grand Valley Ranch protects 1,200 acres of ideal habitat for waterfowl and various waterbirds. Permanently conserved in 2015, the Land Conservancy has restored the site from historical high impact uses (agriculture, mining, aquaculture, etc) to a natural, 3-mile long, flow-through wetland complex. Utilizing funds from Clean Ohio, USFWS, and the Ohio EPA, $3.5M was invested in the property to restore this ancient Tamarack Swamp!

Advanced registration is required.

March 31, 2023 at 8:30am - 11:30am
Grand Valley Ranch in Orwell, OH

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  • Vianni Bustos