Vibrant Greenspace in the Community
The diverse environmental, economic and social benefits of Cleveland’s green space underpin the sustainable development of the city. The expansion of parks and natural areas, community gardens, urban farms, green roofs, landscaped boulevards, bike paths, trails, schoolyards, recreational areas, and other public open green space in Cleveland can help to establish a broad swath of green space and build on the city’s surrounding Emerald Necklace. Cleveland has the only national park in an urban setting in the United States and it is the sixth most visited national park in the country. Share your success story here!
- Join or create a “friends of” group to adopt a park or greenspace and keep it free of litter.
- Do a Reimagining Cleveland Project. This program encourages innovative land reuse projects such as orchards, gardens and pocket parks as well as allows Cleveland residents to acquire vacant lots next to their homes.
- Join the Forest City Working Group to help support the reforesting of the City of Cleveland.