Add to Calendar   07/22/2020 04:30 PM 07/22/2020 05:30 PM America/New_York Sustainable Cleveland - July 2020 Monthly Virtual Meeting


Join the Office of Sustainability for our July virtual meeting! This month's topic will focus on waste reduction and recycling. Sustainability Director, Kristin Hall, will take a deep dive into our recycling challenges and provide updates on how residents can continue to rethink and reduce their waste. We will also discuss ways you can stay engaged as Cleveland updates its curbside recycling program.


For more information visit or direct questions to [email protected].


We hope you can join us!



Virtual / Online Event 07/22/2020 04:30 PM

Sustainable Cleveland - July 2020 Monthly Virtual Meeting


Join the Office of Sustainability for our July virtual meeting! This month's topic will focus on waste reduction and recycling. Sustainability Director, Kristin Hall, will take a deep dive into our recycling challenges and provide updates on how residents can continue to rethink and reduce their waste. We will also discuss ways you can stay engaged as Cleveland updates its curbside recycling program.


For more information visit or direct questions to [email protected].


We hope you can join us!



July 22, 2020 at 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Virtual / Online Event

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