Add to Calendar   10/24/2019 05:00 PM 10/24/2019 08:00 PM America/New_York Ride the Bus with Us: Heal the HealthLine


How's the HealthLine been working for you recently?


The HealthLine often takes over 40 minutes to get from Downtown to Windermere. Delays have caused ridership to drop. What can be done?


Meet at Public Square and ride the Healthline to Uptown. On the way, we will talk about the importance of public transit, the challenges it faces in Cleveland, and how we can improve public transit and heal the HealthLine!



Cleveland Public Square - Downtown Cleveland 10/24/2019 05:00 PM

Ride the Bus with Us: Heal the HealthLine


How's the HealthLine been working for you recently?


The HealthLine often takes over 40 minutes to get from Downtown to Windermere. Delays have caused ridership to drop. What can be done?


Meet at Public Square and ride the Healthline to Uptown. On the way, we will talk about the importance of public transit, the challenges it faces in Cleveland, and how we can improve public transit and heal the HealthLine!



October 24, 2019 at 5:00pm - 8pm
Cleveland Public Square - Downtown
Cleveland, OH
United States
Google map and directions

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