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01/27/2019 09:00 AM
01/27/2019 12:00 PM
BMP's for Pollinator Habitat
The workshop would include multiple facets communicating a range of established Ohio Specific BMP’s in regard to:
- Site selection
- Design of habitat
- Species/ seed mix selection
- Site prep
- Instillation techniques and timing
- Partnership Establishment
- Short and long-term maintenance goals
We will provide attendees various scenarios that would best fit the multitude of objectives one can be faced when dealing with these specific kinds of projects/habitats. We will then discuss and provide examples of how to select sites that lend themselves to these various objectives and what species to utilize that best fit the project/habitat objectives. We find that a large limiting factor can be understanding and utilizing proper species lists and seed mixes that meet the needs of target species and potential umbrella species. In addition, we will utilize state specific case studies to engage attendees on how to implement proper techniques for addressing the most common success/failure scenarios they would experience in this process and how to address those issues to have the best success based on the habitat that they are trying to install. Lastly, we will discuss the importance of partnership formation. Partnering across agency lines builds a strong foundation of conservation meeting multiple conservation/preservation missions through; education, target species management planning, park/preservation habitat planning, infrastructure planning, etc.
Intended Audience: We invite professionals and enthusiasts to gain or enhance their current knowledge/skill set regarding proper site-based methodology that will enable groups or individuals to create, restore, enhance and/or manage upland projects/habitats.
Presenters: Michael Retterer, Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever; John Kiser, Ohio Division of Wildlife; Marci Lininiger, Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative; Donald Knight, US Fish and Wildlife.
Fee: $30
More details on the conference website here.
Hilton Cleveland Downtown Hotel
Cathi Lehn
01/27/2019 09:00 AM
The workshop would include multiple facets communicating a range of established Ohio Specific BMP’s in regard to:
- Site selection
- Design of habitat
- Species/ seed mix selection
- Site prep
- Instillation techniques and timing
- Partnership Establishment
- Short and long-term maintenance goals
We will provide attendees various scenarios that would best fit the multitude of objectives one can be faced when dealing with these specific kinds of projects/habitats. We will then discuss and provide examples of how to select sites that lend themselves to these various objectives and what species to utilize that best fit the project/habitat objectives. We find that a large limiting factor can be understanding and utilizing proper species lists and seed mixes that meet the needs of target species and potential umbrella species. In addition, we will utilize state specific case studies to engage attendees on how to implement proper techniques for addressing the most common success/failure scenarios they would experience in this process and how to address those issues to have the best success based on the habitat that they are trying to install. Lastly, we will discuss the importance of partnership formation. Partnering across agency lines builds a strong foundation of conservation meeting multiple conservation/preservation missions through; education, target species management planning, park/preservation habitat planning, infrastructure planning, etc.
Intended Audience: We invite professionals and enthusiasts to gain or enhance their current knowledge/skill set regarding proper site-based methodology that will enable groups or individuals to create, restore, enhance and/or manage upland projects/habitats.
Presenters: Michael Retterer, Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever; John Kiser, Ohio Division of Wildlife; Marci Lininiger, Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative; Donald Knight, US Fish and Wildlife.
Fee: $30
More details on the conference website here.
January 27, 2019 at 9:00am - 12pm
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