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06/30/2019 04:00 PM
06/30/2019 06:00 PM
Plastic Surgery: Cutting Plastic Out of Your Life-Lakewood
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. What do these actions mean in an era of rapid global change, innovation, local impact and citizen engagement? Please join Lakewood residents Kristine Williams and Jason Weiner in a discussion designed to empower attendees with information that can lessen our dependency on single use plastics. Presenters will share various plastic waste-related challenges and solutions implemented by state and local governments, institutions, businesses, and individuals. We will learn about changes in global recycling and explore what currently can and cannot be recycled in Cuyahoga County. Then we will break into small groups to workshop plans to implement what we've learned and be agents of change as members of our community – whether within our own homes, or reaching out and engaging our friends, neighbors, local businesses, or elected officials.
A selection of (vegetarian and meat-based) appetizers from Distill Table’s menu will be provided.
This Common Ground conversation is one of three Plastic Surgery conversations being offered during Common Ground.
Plastic Surgery: Cutting Plastic Out of Your Life-East side will be hosted by the Sierra Club at Fairhill Partners from 1-3pm and will discuss Plastic Free July.
Plastic Surgery: Cutting Plastic Out of Your Life-Flats will be hosted by the Sustainable Cleveland Plastic Reduction Working Group at the Greater Cleveland Aquarium from 10 - 12 and will discuss plastic pollution and ways to reduce your use of single use disposable plastics.
Distill Table
Brittany Montgomery
06/30/2019 04:00 PM
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. What do these actions mean in an era of rapid global change, innovation, local impact and citizen engagement? Please join Lakewood residents Kristine Williams and Jason Weiner in a discussion designed to empower attendees with information that can lessen our dependency on single use plastics. Presenters will share various plastic waste-related challenges and solutions implemented by state and local governments, institutions, businesses, and individuals. We will learn about changes in global recycling and explore what currently can and cannot be recycled in Cuyahoga County. Then we will break into small groups to workshop plans to implement what we've learned and be agents of change as members of our community – whether within our own homes, or reaching out and engaging our friends, neighbors, local businesses, or elected officials.
A selection of (vegetarian and meat-based) appetizers from Distill Table’s menu will be provided.
This Common Ground conversation is one of three Plastic Surgery conversations being offered during Common Ground.
Plastic Surgery: Cutting Plastic Out of Your Life-East side will be hosted by the Sierra Club at Fairhill Partners from 1-3pm and will discuss Plastic Free July.
Plastic Surgery: Cutting Plastic Out of Your Life-Flats will be hosted by the Sustainable Cleveland Plastic Reduction Working Group at the Greater Cleveland Aquarium from 10 - 12 and will discuss plastic pollution and ways to reduce your use of single use disposable plastics.
June 30, 2019 at 4:00pm - 6pm
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