Add to Calendar   05/25/2019 10:00 AM 05/25/2019 12:00 PM America/New_York Plant Propagation Basics


If you can cook, you can propagate! Learn how to multiply your plants with simple recipes for propagation using division, layering, softwood cuttings and hardwood cuttings. Supplies will be provided to make a simple 8” propagator to take cuttings of annuals and perennials including herbs. Price also includes a “preowned” copy of an excellent “recipe book” The Plant Propagators Handbook by Peter Thompson.

$20 per member, $35 per nonmember



Cleveland Botanical Garden Cleveland 05/25/2019 10:00 AM

Plant Propagation Basics


If you can cook, you can propagate! Learn how to multiply your plants with simple recipes for propagation using division, layering, softwood cuttings and hardwood cuttings. Supplies will be provided to make a simple 8” propagator to take cuttings of annuals and perennials including herbs. Price also includes a “preowned” copy of an excellent “recipe book” The Plant Propagators Handbook by Peter Thompson.

$20 per member, $35 per nonmember



May 25, 2019 at 10:00am - 12pm
Cleveland Botanical Garden
11030 East Blvd
Cleveland, OH 44106
United States
Google map and directions