Add to Calendar   07/15/2019 09:00 AM 07/19/2019 03:00 PM America/New_York Junior Ranger River Summer Camp

In this unique Jr. Ranger Day Camp series, your child will have exclusive opportunities to explore and learn about the national park that’s in their very own backyard! We have three weeks of camp and your camper can join us for all of them, learning new topics and playing new games each week! Join the whole summer camp series and your child will earn an official Cuyahoga Valley Jr. Ranger Badge, and Patch! 


The first week will be focused on exploring the Cuyahoga River, and what better time to do this than the 50th anniversary of the infamous river burning?! Your camper will spend a week hiking in various ecosystems and understanding the important role that water plays in nature. Your child will work toward earning their official Cuyahoga Valley National Park Jr. Ranger badge at the closing ceremony on Friday. Parents are encouraged to attend!

Entering grades 1-6, campers will be divided by grade level.

Made-from-scratch lunches and snacks are included each day of camp — yum! Dietary restrictions are accepted. More information upon registration.

Before Care 8-9am

After Care 3-5pm (Not available on Friday)



Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center Peninsula 07/15/2019 09:00 AM

Junior Ranger River Summer Camp

In this unique Jr. Ranger Day Camp series, your child will have exclusive opportunities to explore and learn about the national park that’s in their very own backyard! We have three weeks of camp and your camper can join us for all of them, learning new topics and playing new games each week! Join the whole summer camp series and your child will earn an official Cuyahoga Valley Jr. Ranger Badge, and Patch! 


The first week will be focused on exploring the Cuyahoga River, and what better time to do this than the 50th anniversary of the infamous river burning?! Your camper will spend a week hiking in various ecosystems and understanding the important role that water plays in nature. Your child will work toward earning their official Cuyahoga Valley National Park Jr. Ranger badge at the closing ceremony on Friday. Parents are encouraged to attend!

Entering grades 1-6, campers will be divided by grade level.

Made-from-scratch lunches and snacks are included each day of camp — yum! Dietary restrictions are accepted. More information upon registration.

Before Care 8-9am

After Care 3-5pm (Not available on Friday)



July 15, 2019 at 9:00am - July 19, 2019
Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center
3675 Oak Hill Rd
Peninsula, OH 44264
United States
Google map and directions

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