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06/29/2018 07:00 AM
06/29/2018 09:00 AM
June Bike to Work Day
Celebrate Bike to Work Day on June 29th by swinging a leg over your bike and riding it to work! Join fellow Clevelanders and suburban riders as we take to the streets and embrace the power of getting to work under our own power.
We will have a few Hub locations for you to enjoy on Friday! What is a Hub? It’s a place to meetup with your co-workers, join friends for a group commute, or maybe even park near in order to shorten your route if you’re not ready to tackle the whole way. You can even add them as part of your route for fun, as each Hub has something special in store for you as a reward for riding! Something special like FREE coffee, snacks, fruit or something else to brighten your morning.
Click here for more information.
Various venues
Erika Meschkat
06/29/2018 07:00 AM
Celebrate Bike to Work Day on June 29th by swinging a leg over your bike and riding it to work! Join fellow Clevelanders and suburban riders as we take to the streets and embrace the power of getting to work under our own power.
We will have a few Hub locations for you to enjoy on Friday! What is a Hub? It’s a place to meetup with your co-workers, join friends for a group commute, or maybe even park near in order to shorten your route if you’re not ready to tackle the whole way. You can even add them as part of your route for fun, as each Hub has something special in store for you as a reward for riding! Something special like FREE coffee, snacks, fruit or something else to brighten your morning.
Click here for more information.
June 29, 2018 at 7:00am - 9am
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