Add to Calendar   04/28/2022 02:30 PM 04/28/2022 04:00 PM America/New_York HIKE: SAVING THE CHESTNUT


American chestnuts were one of the most common woodland trees in the Eastern U. S., but are now considered functionally extinct. To ring in the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day, we will hike to find an American chestnut tree, learn what caused their demise, and discuss how we can help bring them back from the brink, Gorge Overlook parking lot



Bedford Reservation 04/28/2022 02:30 PM



American chestnuts were one of the most common woodland trees in the Eastern U. S., but are now considered functionally extinct. To ring in the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day, we will hike to find an American chestnut tree, learn what caused their demise, and discuss how we can help bring them back from the brink, Gorge Overlook parking lot



April 28, 2022 at 2:30pm - 4pm
Bedford Reservation

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  • Brittany Montgomery