Add to Calendar   09/03/2021 09:30 AM 09/03/2021 11:30 AM America/New_York Fitness Fridays: Walk the Ward 13 with the Cleveland Department of Aging

The Cleveland Department of Aging is sponsoring a walk in each of the city wards this summer. You can take these "Fitness Friday” walks at your own pace but with the support of others. The walks will be outside and will start and end at the locations below. All participants will receive a Senior Walk t-shirt and a Resource bag. New this year, receive your Passport to the Parks at your first walk. Attend five (5) or more walks this summer and you will be entered into a raffle.


This Ward 13 walk will be at Brookside Park, located at 3900 John Nagy Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio 44144. Meet at the Jim Thome Complex.

To Register: 

Phone: 216-664-4383
Email: [email protected]
Online: click here

Cleveland 09/03/2021 09:30 AM

Walk the Wards - Summer Senior Walk in Ward 13

The Cleveland Department of Aging is sponsoring a walk in each of the city wards this summer. You can take these "Fitness Friday” walks at your own pace but with the support of others. The walks will be outside and will start and end at the locations below. All participants will receive a Senior Walk t-shirt and a Resource bag. New this year, receive your Passport to the Parks at your first walk. Attend five (5) or more walks this summer and you will be entered into a raffle.


This Ward 13 walk will be at Brookside Park, located at 3900 John Nagy Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio 44144. Meet at the Jim Thome Complex.

To Register: 

Phone: 216-664-4383
Email: [email protected]
Online: click here

September 03, 2021 at 9:30am - 11:30am