Add to Calendar   10/01/2021 10:00 AM 10/01/2021 12:00 PM America/New_York Fall Hiking Series with the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes


Cleveland Hiking Club (CHC) | Friday, October 1 | 10AM
Join the Cleveland Hiking Club for a leisurely three-mile hike around the Shaker Parklands. CHC encourages and promotes outdoor recreation primarily in the form of hikes and related outings. Meet at the Nature Center. Led by Fran Jacobs.


Fall Hiking Series: Your Park. Your Future., Presented by the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes


55 years ago, the Nature Center building was constructed as one of many grassroots efforts to stop the proposed Clark-Lee Freeway from tearing through the Shaker Parklands. These “Freeway Fighters” understood the value of natural spaces and, because of their efforts, we continue to enjoy these spaces today.


This fall, join us to discover the many ways you can experience the Shaker Parklands.


Hike themes include:


  • Move: Enjoy fresh air and meet new people as you hike along the trails with experienced guides. Hikes vary from 3-10 miles in length with pacing ranging from leisurely to energetic. Check the hike description for more details on expected mileage, pacing and terrain.
  • Learn: Make observations as you hike and learn what makes these sights unique with the help of your naturalist guide. Check the hike description for the theme and recommended age range of participants (family or adult).
  • Reflect: Immerse yourself in nature while practicing mindfulness techniques, engaging in self-reflection, or finding the inspiration to create art. Check the hike description for the theme and recommended age range of participants (family or adult).



Shaker Parklands 10/01/2021 10:00 AM

Fall Hiking Series with the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes


Cleveland Hiking Club (CHC) | Friday, October 1 | 10AM
Join the Cleveland Hiking Club for a leisurely three-mile hike around the Shaker Parklands. CHC encourages and promotes outdoor recreation primarily in the form of hikes and related outings. Meet at the Nature Center. Led by Fran Jacobs.


Fall Hiking Series: Your Park. Your Future., Presented by the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes


55 years ago, the Nature Center building was constructed as one of many grassroots efforts to stop the proposed Clark-Lee Freeway from tearing through the Shaker Parklands. These “Freeway Fighters” understood the value of natural spaces and, because of their efforts, we continue to enjoy these spaces today.


This fall, join us to discover the many ways you can experience the Shaker Parklands.


Hike themes include:


  • Move: Enjoy fresh air and meet new people as you hike along the trails with experienced guides. Hikes vary from 3-10 miles in length with pacing ranging from leisurely to energetic. Check the hike description for more details on expected mileage, pacing and terrain.
  • Learn: Make observations as you hike and learn what makes these sights unique with the help of your naturalist guide. Check the hike description for the theme and recommended age range of participants (family or adult).
  • Reflect: Immerse yourself in nature while practicing mindfulness techniques, engaging in self-reflection, or finding the inspiration to create art. Check the hike description for the theme and recommended age range of participants (family or adult).



October 01, 2021 at 10:00am - 12pm
Shaker Parklands

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  • Brittany Montgomery