Add to Calendar   10/24/2019 08:00 AM 10/24/2019 12:00 PM America/New_York Everybody Works Summit 2019


If you have ever wondered how to hire someone with a felony in their background, has a developmental disability, someone who needs to see the light at the end of the school-tunnel, or has barriers to employment, this is the event for you!


Come out to the Medina County University Center and hear from experts in the field as well as fellow employers talk about their experiences, how you can get involved and what money is available to support those efforts.


A light breakfast will be served.



Medina County University Center Medina 10/24/2019 08:00 AM

Everybody Works Summit 2019


If you have ever wondered how to hire someone with a felony in their background, has a developmental disability, someone who needs to see the light at the end of the school-tunnel, or has barriers to employment, this is the event for you!


Come out to the Medina County University Center and hear from experts in the field as well as fellow employers talk about their experiences, how you can get involved and what money is available to support those efforts.


A light breakfast will be served.



October 24, 2019 at 8:00am - 12pm
Medina County University Center
6300 Technology Ln
Medina, OH 44256
United States
Google map and directions

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