Add to Calendar   07/18/2020 10:00 AM 07/18/2020 12:00 PM America/New_York Edgewater Beach CleanUp with Drink Local. Drink Tap.


Drink Local. Drink Tap. is in its 10th year of Beach Cleanups at Edgewater Park! Since 2010 we've removed over 14,000 POUNDS of trash from Edgewater Park's beaches with the help of all of YOU, our wonderful volunteers.
Throughout the season DLDT will be hosting its Beach Cleanups by the West Shelter in Upper Edgewater. This means volunteers will have access to restrooms and a water fountain! You'll find our table (marked with a bright blue tablecloth) over by the steps leading down to the dog beach where we will be focusing our efforts. Check the event posts for a map of our location!
Edgewater Park - Upper West Shelter 07/18/2020 10:00 AM

Edgewater Beach CleanUp with Drink Local. Drink Tap.


Drink Local. Drink Tap. is in its 10th year of Beach Cleanups at Edgewater Park! Since 2010 we've removed over 14,000 POUNDS of trash from Edgewater Park's beaches with the help of all of YOU, our wonderful volunteers.
Throughout the season DLDT will be hosting its Beach Cleanups by the West Shelter in Upper Edgewater. This means volunteers will have access to restrooms and a water fountain! You'll find our table (marked with a bright blue tablecloth) over by the steps leading down to the dog beach where we will be focusing our efforts. Check the event posts for a map of our location!
July 18, 2020 at 10:00am - 12pm
Edgewater Park - Upper West Shelter

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