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04/21/2018 01:00 PM
04/21/2018 03:00 PM
Doan Brook Lower Watershed Stream Sweep
Tidy up the Doan Brook while enjoying Rockefeller Park and the Cultural Gardens, one of Cleveland's historic gems. This Stream Sweep meets at Rockefeller Park Lagoon, and volunteers will clean a winter's worth of litter from the stream and surrounding parklands. Trash bags, gloves, snacks, and coffee provided. Thanks!
Rockefeller Lagoon
Erika Meschkat
04/21/2018 01:00 PM
Doan Brook Lower Watershed Stream Sweep
Tidy up the Doan Brook while enjoying Rockefeller Park and the Cultural Gardens, one of Cleveland's historic gems. This Stream Sweep meets at Rockefeller Park Lagoon, and volunteers will clean a winter's worth of litter from the stream and surrounding parklands. Trash bags, gloves, snacks, and coffee provided. Thanks!
April 21, 2018 at 1:00pm - 3pm
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