Add to Calendar   06/22/2019 07:00 AM 06/22/2019 03:00 PM America/New_York Blazing Paddles Paddleboard, Kayak, & Canoe Paddlefest


The 2nd Annual Blazing Paddles is a celebration of how the Cuyahoga River has risen like a phoenix since the 1969 fire ignited the environmental movement. Paddleboards, kayaks, and canoes will navigate either the 2-mile Carl Stokes Memorial, the 5.7-mile Ruth Patrick Memorial or 13 mile Rachel Carson Memorial (fast canoe/kayak/surf ski only) urban courses that flow past a unique mix of riverfront sites where iconic bridges and pyramids of sand and stone stand in contrast to paved paths and green-spaces.



Rivergate Park Cleveland 06/22/2019 07:00 AM

Blazing Paddles Paddleboard, Kayak, & Canoe Paddlefest


The 2nd Annual Blazing Paddles is a celebration of how the Cuyahoga River has risen like a phoenix since the 1969 fire ignited the environmental movement. Paddleboards, kayaks, and canoes will navigate either the 2-mile Carl Stokes Memorial, the 5.7-mile Ruth Patrick Memorial or 13 mile Rachel Carson Memorial (fast canoe/kayak/surf ski only) urban courses that flow past a unique mix of riverfront sites where iconic bridges and pyramids of sand and stone stand in contrast to paved paths and green-spaces.



June 22, 2019 at 7:00am - 3pm
Rivergate Park
1785 Merwin Ave
Cleveland, OH 44113
United States
Google map and directions

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