Add to Calendar   05/20/2022 08:00 AM 05/20/2022 04:00 PM America/New_York Biocene 2022: The Transformation of Transportation


Biocene is a conference where ideas and research on innovation inspired by nature (biomimicry) are shared, connections are made, and opportunities for collaborations are fostered. It creates conditions for biomimicry thought leadership to ignite further advancement of the field. Biocene 2022’s theme is Transformation of Transportation – looking at the future of what transportation can be, how the definition is expanding and evolving, and how society can benefit. This will be explored at many scales – from materials to urban design to space exploration/understanding.  Ecological sustainability and equity/inclusion/diversity are central foci.



Ohio Aerospace Institute 05/20/2022 08:00 AM

Biocene 2022: The Transformation of Transportation


Biocene is a conference where ideas and research on innovation inspired by nature (biomimicry) are shared, connections are made, and opportunities for collaborations are fostered. It creates conditions for biomimicry thought leadership to ignite further advancement of the field. Biocene 2022’s theme is Transformation of Transportation – looking at the future of what transportation can be, how the definition is expanding and evolving, and how society can benefit. This will be explored at many scales – from materials to urban design to space exploration/understanding.  Ecological sustainability and equity/inclusion/diversity are central foci.



May 20, 2022 at 8:00am - 4pm
Ohio Aerospace Institute

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  • Brittany Montgomery