Announcing our Presenting Sponsor


We are pleased to announce that the Cleveland Foundation is the Presenting Sponsor of Sustainable Cleveland's 8th annual Sustainability Summit.


The summit will open the evening of Wednesday, September 21st with Remarks from The Cleveland Foundation, Mayor Frank G. Jackson, presentation of Awards, and the summit keynote. 


September 22nd will be a full day of visioning, design and action planning focused on:

  • The current and upcoming celebration year topics
  • Advancing the Cleveland Climate Action Plan, which incorporates the topics of
  • Energy, Water and Land Use, Community Engagement, Waste, and Transportation.


The Cleveland Foundation's sponsorship will support:

  • The Keynote Presentation
  • Pre-Summit activities include professional workshops on Complete Streets and Place-making
  • Scholarships for up to 50 high school students to participate in the summit
  • Integrating the findings of the Greater Cleveland Caucus Townhall on the environment


The Sustainability Summit is a unique opportunity to work across sectors, foster collaboration, learn about recent innovations and design the future of the Cleveland region. Additional details and registration coming soon!


Additional Sponsorship Opportunities: Enhance your presence and increase your impact with a tax-deductible sponsorship of the Summit and the Year of Sustainable Transportation. Sponsors build relationships with the sustainability sector when they support the Sustainable Cleveland Summit. A sponsorship provides an opportunity to develop closer relationships with summit participants while enhancing the Summit experience for 500-600 attendees. You can learn more and download the sponsorship package here.

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