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10/30/2018 11:30 AM
10/30/2018 01:00 PM
Air Quality Meeting
As you know, air quality in Northeast Ohio impacts public health – particularly among low-income and minority residents. The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) aims to improve local air quality and public health in neighborhoods throughout our region. We are creating an Air Quality Public Education and Outreach Strategy to educate residents about the impacts of poor air quality, and steps they can take to create cleaner air.
Join in a discussion about local plans to address air pollution and public health. Be one of the first 10 to RSVP and receive a $10 thank you for your time. See flyer here.
To RSVP, email ([email protected]) or call (440-348-5753).
Harvard Community Services Center
Cathi Lehn
[email protected]
10/30/2018 11:30 AM
As you know, air quality in Northeast Ohio impacts public health – particularly among low-income and minority residents. The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) aims to improve local air quality and public health in neighborhoods throughout our region. We are creating an Air Quality Public Education and Outreach Strategy to educate residents about the impacts of poor air quality, and steps they can take to create cleaner air.
Join in a discussion about local plans to address air pollution and public health. Be one of the first 10 to RSVP and receive a $10 thank you for your time. See flyer here.
To RSVP, email ([email protected]) or call (440-348-5753).
October 30, 2018 at 11:30am - 1pm
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