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09/05/2019 08:45 AM
09/05/2019 12:00 PM
2019 Cleveland Senior Walk
Join us on Mall C in Downtown Cleveland for a one or two mile fun walk. This is the 15th annual Cleveland Senior Walk. Registration and health screenings begins at 8:45 a.m. Brief welcoming program at 9:30 a.m. followed by warm up exercises. Walk begins at 10:00 a.m. Walk at your own pace. Free t-shirts will be provided to the first 1,000 registered walkers.
Mall C is the grassy area directly west of Cleveland City Hall located at 601 Lakeside Avenue.
If it is raining, walk will be held in Public Hall at 500 Lakeside Ave.
Walkers are encouraged to carpool. Cars, vans and busses can park in the Municipal Lot at East 9th Street and the Shoreway for $4.00 (exact change or credit card required). Free shuttles will take walkers to and from the Municipal Lot to Mall C.
Bicycle parking is available on Mall C.
For more information call the Cleveland Department of Aging at 216-664-2833.
Mall C Downtown Cleveland
Brittany Montgomery
09/05/2019 08:45 AM
Join us on Mall C in Downtown Cleveland for a one or two mile fun walk. This is the 15th annual Cleveland Senior Walk. Registration and health screenings begins at 8:45 a.m. Brief welcoming program at 9:30 a.m. followed by warm up exercises. Walk begins at 10:00 a.m. Walk at your own pace. Free t-shirts will be provided to the first 1,000 registered walkers.
Mall C is the grassy area directly west of Cleveland City Hall located at 601 Lakeside Avenue.
If it is raining, walk will be held in Public Hall at 500 Lakeside Ave.
Walkers are encouraged to carpool. Cars, vans and busses can park in the Municipal Lot at East 9th Street and the Shoreway for $4.00 (exact change or credit card required). Free shuttles will take walkers to and from the Municipal Lot to Mall C.
Bicycle parking is available on Mall C.
For more information call the Cleveland Department of Aging at 216-664-2833.
September 05, 2019 at 8:45am - 12pm
Mall C Downtown Cleveland
601 Lakeside Ave
Field Next to City Hall
Cleveland, OH 44114
United States
Google map and directions
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