Add to Calendar   10/15/2018 08:30 AM 10/15/2018 02:30 PM America/New_York 2018 Ohio Dredged Material Summit


In 2016, Ohio held the Digging Up Ideas Workshop, and asked for help to identify alternatives for the dredged material and barriers for possible use. That workshop gave the State and others great ideas that Ohio, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, businesses and local stakeholders have vigorously pursued.


Half the dredged material coming out of the Great Lakes comes from Ohio. Rather than dump this valuable resource into Lake Erie, Ohio is using the material to add value to our communities and our Lake. We heard your ideas. Now, we are following up on implementing them and laying out a plan going forward. But we still need your help…


WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Public, private and nonprofit stakeholders in and around the harbor areas are in an ideal position to help identify and benefit from developing viable dredged material uses. The first step is recognizing that the material is a valuable resource with real economic value.


Click here to register. 




Lorain County Community College Elyria 10/15/2018 08:30 AM

2018 Ohio Dredged Material Summit


In 2016, Ohio held the Digging Up Ideas Workshop, and asked for help to identify alternatives for the dredged material and barriers for possible use. That workshop gave the State and others great ideas that Ohio, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, businesses and local stakeholders have vigorously pursued.


Half the dredged material coming out of the Great Lakes comes from Ohio. Rather than dump this valuable resource into Lake Erie, Ohio is using the material to add value to our communities and our Lake. We heard your ideas. Now, we are following up on implementing them and laying out a plan going forward. But we still need your help…


WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Public, private and nonprofit stakeholders in and around the harbor areas are in an ideal position to help identify and benefit from developing viable dredged material uses. The first step is recognizing that the material is a valuable resource with real economic value.


Click here to register. 




October 15, 2018 at 8:30am - 2:30pm
Lorain County Community College
1005 N Abbe Rd
Elyria, OH 44035
United States
Google map and directions

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