Add to Calendar   11/06/2016 10:00 AM 11/06/2016 12:00 PM America/New_York Audubon Climate Action Workshop

Fall Greetings!

Audubon's Birds and Climate Report has shown us that nearly half of the bird species in North America are threatened by climate change. In order to protect the birds that we love, we need to work to fight climate change and conserve the very most important places to build a bridge to the future for birds and other wildlife. We invite you to join us to address this challenge in Ohio.  When Audubon's network of supporters work together on behalf of birds and people, real change happens. Come and learn what you can do in your community and in your own backyard to help protect birds and other wildlife.

 Audubon Climate Action Workshop

 Optional Bird Walk at 8:30 a.m.

 This free event will feature sessions on:


  • Important Bird Area Conservation
  • Native Plants
  • Energy Policy
  • Advocacy

Please join us – and bring a friend!


Register Here

Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 11/06/2016 10:00 AM

Audubon Climate Action Workshop

Fall Greetings!

Audubon's Birds and Climate Report has shown us that nearly half of the bird species in North America are threatened by climate change. In order to protect the birds that we love, we need to work to fight climate change and conserve the very most important places to build a bridge to the future for birds and other wildlife. We invite you to join us to address this challenge in Ohio.  When Audubon's network of supporters work together on behalf of birds and people, real change happens. Come and learn what you can do in your community and in your own backyard to help protect birds and other wildlife.

 Audubon Climate Action Workshop

 Optional Bird Walk at 8:30 a.m.

 This free event will feature sessions on:


  • Important Bird Area Conservation
  • Native Plants
  • Energy Policy
  • Advocacy

Please join us – and bring a friend!


Register Here

November 06, 2016 at 10:00am - 12pm
Rocky River Nature Center
24000 Valley Pwky
North Olmsted, OH 44070
United States
Google map and directions

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